
   singularity storage create b2 - Backblaze B2

   singularity storage create b2 [command options]

      Account ID or Application Key ID.

      Application Key.

      Endpoint for the service.
      Leave blank normally.

      A flag string for X-Bz-Test-Mode header for debugging.
      This is for debugging purposes only. Setting it to one of the strings
      below will cause b2 to return specific errors:
        * "fail_some_uploads"
        * "expire_some_account_authorization_tokens"
        * "force_cap_exceeded"
      These will be set in the "X-Bz-Test-Mode" header which is documented
      in the [b2 integrations checklist](https://www.backblaze.com/b2/docs/integration_checklist.html).

      Include old versions in directory listings.
      Note that when using this no file write operations are permitted,
      so you can't upload files or delete them.

      Show file versions as they were at the specified time.
      Note that when using this no file write operations are permitted,
      so you can't upload files or delete them.

      Permanently delete files on remote removal, otherwise hide files.

      Cutoff for switching to chunked upload.
      Files above this size will be uploaded in chunks of "--b2-chunk-size".
      This value should be set no larger than 4.657 GiB (== 5 GB).

      Cutoff for switching to multipart copy.
      Any files larger than this that need to be server-side copied will be
      copied in chunks of this size.
      The minimum is 0 and the maximum is 4.6 GiB.

      Upload chunk size.
      When uploading large files, chunk the file into this size.
      Must fit in memory. These chunks are buffered in memory and there
      might a maximum of "--transfers" chunks in progress at once.
      5,000,000 Bytes is the minimum size.

      Disable checksums for large (> upload cutoff) files.
      Normally rclone will calculate the SHA1 checksum of the input before
      uploading it so it can add it to metadata on the object. This is great
      for data integrity checking but can cause long delays for large files
      to start uploading.

      Custom endpoint for downloads.
      This is usually set to a Cloudflare CDN URL as Backblaze offers
      free egress for data downloaded through the Cloudflare network.
      Rclone works with private buckets by sending an "Authorization" header.
      If the custom endpoint rewrites the requests for authentication,
      e.g., in Cloudflare Workers, this header needs to be handled properly.
      Leave blank if you want to use the endpoint provided by Backblaze.
      The URL provided here SHOULD have the protocol and SHOULD NOT have
      a trailing slash or specify the /file/bucket subpath as rclone will
      request files with "{download_url}/file/{bucket_name}/{path}".
      > https://mysubdomain.mydomain.tld
      (No trailing "/", "file" or "bucket")

      Time before the authorization token will expire in s or suffix ms|s|m|h|d.
      The duration before the download authorization token will expire.
      The minimum value is 1 second. The maximum value is one week.

      How often internal memory buffer pools will be flushed.
      Uploads which requires additional buffers (f.e multipart) will use memory pool for allocations.
      This option controls how often unused buffers will be removed from the pool.

      Whether to use mmap buffers in internal memory pool.

      The encoding for the backend.
      See the [encoding section in the overview](/overview/#encoding) for more info.

   --account value  Account ID or Application Key ID. [$ACCOUNT]
   --hard-delete    Permanently delete files on remote removal, otherwise hide files. (default: false) [$HARD_DELETE]
   --help, -h       show help
   --key value      Application Key. [$KEY]


   --chunk-size value              Upload chunk size. (default: "96Mi") [$CHUNK_SIZE]
   --copy-cutoff value             Cutoff for switching to multipart copy. (default: "4Gi") [$COPY_CUTOFF]
   --disable-checksum              Disable checksums for large (> upload cutoff) files. (default: false) [$DISABLE_CHECKSUM]
   --download-auth-duration value  Time before the authorization token will expire in s or suffix ms|s|m|h|d. (default: "1w") [$DOWNLOAD_AUTH_DURATION]
   --download-url value            Custom endpoint for downloads. [$DOWNLOAD_URL]
   --encoding value                The encoding for the backend. (default: "Slash,BackSlash,Del,Ctl,InvalidUtf8,Dot") [$ENCODING]
   --endpoint value                Endpoint for the service. [$ENDPOINT]
   --memory-pool-flush-time value  How often internal memory buffer pools will be flushed. (default: "1m0s") [$MEMORY_POOL_FLUSH_TIME]
   --memory-pool-use-mmap          Whether to use mmap buffers in internal memory pool. (default: false) [$MEMORY_POOL_USE_MMAP]
   --test-mode value               A flag string for X-Bz-Test-Mode header for debugging. [$TEST_MODE]
   --upload-cutoff value           Cutoff for switching to chunked upload. (default: "200Mi") [$UPLOAD_CUTOFF]
   --version-at value              Show file versions as they were at the specified time. (default: "off") [$VERSION_AT]
   --versions                      Include old versions in directory listings. (default: false) [$VERSIONS]

   Client Config

   --client-ca-cert value                           Path to CA certificate used to verify servers
   --client-cert value                              Path to Client SSL certificate (PEM) for mutual TLS auth
   --client-connect-timeout value                   HTTP Client Connect timeout (default: 1m0s)
   --client-expect-continue-timeout value           Timeout when using expect / 100-continue in HTTP (default: 1s)
   --client-header value [ --client-header value ]  Set HTTP header for all transactions (i.e. key=value)
   --client-insecure-skip-verify                    Do not verify the server SSL certificate (insecure) (default: false)
   --client-key value                               Path to Client SSL private key (PEM) for mutual TLS auth
   --client-no-gzip                                 Don't set Accept-Encoding: gzip (default: false)
   --client-scan-concurrency value                  Max number of concurrent listing requests when scanning data source (default: 1)
   --client-timeout value                           IO idle timeout (default: 5m0s)
   --client-use-server-mod-time                     Use server modified time if possible (default: false)
   --client-user-agent value                        Set the user-agent to a specified string (default: rclone/v1.62.2-DEV)


   --name value  Name of the storage (default: Auto generated)
   --path value  Path of the storage

   Retry Strategy

   --client-low-level-retries value  Maximum number of retries for low-level client errors (default: 10)
   --client-retry-backoff value      The constant delay backoff for retrying IO read errors (default: 1s)
   --client-retry-backoff-exp value  The exponential delay backoff for retrying IO read errors (default: 1.0)
   --client-retry-delay value        The initial delay before retrying IO read errors (default: 1s)
   --client-retry-max value          Max number of retries for IO read errors (default: 10)
   --client-skip-inaccessible        Skip inaccessible files when opening (default: false)

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