curl -L \
--url '//localhost:9090/api/preparation'
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Whether to delete the source files after export
Maximum size of the CAR files to be created
Name of the preparation
Whether to disable maintaining folder dag structure for the sources. If disabled, DagGen will not be possible and folders will not have an associated CID.
Whether to disable inline storage for the preparation. Can save database space but requires at least one output storage.
Target piece size of the CAR files used for piece commitment calculation
Name of Output storage systems to be used for the output
Name of Source storage systems to be used for the source
curl -L \
--request POST \
--url '//localhost:9090/api/preparation' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
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Preparation ID or name
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Preparation ID or name
Output storage ID or name
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Preparation ID or name
Source storage ID or name
curl -L \
--request POST \
--url '//localhost:9090/api/preparation/{id}/source/{name}'
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Preparation ID or name
Source storage ID or name
Directory path
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Preparation ID or name
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No body
No Content
Preparation ID or name
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Last updated
Was this helpful?