
   singularity storage update gphotos - Google Photos

   singularity storage update gphotos [command options] <name|id>

      OAuth Client Id.
      Leave blank normally.

      OAuth Client Secret.
      Leave blank normally.

      OAuth Access Token as a JSON blob.

      Auth server URL.
      Leave blank to use the provider defaults.

      Token server url.
      Leave blank to use the provider defaults.

      Set to make the Google Photos backend read only.
      If you choose read only then rclone will only request read only access
      to your photos, otherwise rclone will request full access.

      Set to read the size of media items.
      Normally rclone does not read the size of media items since this takes
      another transaction.  This isn't necessary for syncing.  However
      rclone mount needs to know the size of files in advance of reading
      them, so setting this flag when using rclone mount is recommended if
      you want to read the media.

      Year limits the photos to be downloaded to those which are uploaded after the given year.

      Also view and download archived media.
      By default, rclone does not request archived media. Thus, when syncing,
      archived media is not visible in directory listings or transferred.
      Note that media in albums is always visible and synced, no matter
      their archive status.
      With this flag, archived media are always visible in directory
      listings and transferred.
      Without this flag, archived media will not be visible in directory
      listings and won't be transferred.

      The encoding for the backend.
      See the [encoding section in the overview](/overview/#encoding) for more info.

   --client-id value      OAuth Client Id. [$CLIENT_ID]
   --client-secret value  OAuth Client Secret. [$CLIENT_SECRET]
   --help, -h             show help
   --read-only            Set to make the Google Photos backend read only. (default: false) [$READ_ONLY]


   --auth-url value    Auth server URL. [$AUTH_URL]
   --encoding value    The encoding for the backend. (default: "Slash,CrLf,InvalidUtf8,Dot") [$ENCODING]
   --include-archived  Also view and download archived media. (default: false) [$INCLUDE_ARCHIVED]
   --read-size         Set to read the size of media items. (default: false) [$READ_SIZE]
   --start-year value  Year limits the photos to be downloaded to those which are uploaded after the given year. (default: 2000) [$START_YEAR]
   --token value       OAuth Access Token as a JSON blob. [$TOKEN]
   --token-url value   Token server url. [$TOKEN_URL]

   Client Config

   --client-ca-cert value                           Path to CA certificate used to verify servers. To remove, use empty string.
   --client-cert value                              Path to Client SSL certificate (PEM) for mutual TLS auth. To remove, use empty string.
   --client-connect-timeout value                   HTTP Client Connect timeout (default: 1m0s)
   --client-expect-continue-timeout value           Timeout when using expect / 100-continue in HTTP (default: 1s)
   --client-header value [ --client-header value ]  Set HTTP header for all transactions (i.e. key=value). This will replace the existing header values. To remove a header, use --http-header "key="". To remove all headers, use --http-header ""
   --client-insecure-skip-verify                    Do not verify the server SSL certificate (insecure) (default: false)
   --client-key value                               Path to Client SSL private key (PEM) for mutual TLS auth. To remove, use empty string.
   --client-no-gzip                                 Don't set Accept-Encoding: gzip (default: false)
   --client-scan-concurrency value                  Max number of concurrent listing requests when scanning data source (default: 1)
   --client-timeout value                           IO idle timeout (default: 5m0s)
   --client-use-server-mod-time                     Use server modified time if possible (default: false)
   --client-user-agent value                        Set the user-agent to a specified string. To remove, use empty string. (default: rclone/v1.62.2-DEV)

   Retry Strategy

   --client-low-level-retries value  Maximum number of retries for low-level client errors (default: 10)
   --client-retry-backoff value      The constant delay backoff for retrying IO read errors (default: 1s)
   --client-retry-backoff-exp value  The exponential delay backoff for retrying IO read errors (default: 1.0)
   --client-retry-delay value        The initial delay before retrying IO read errors (default: 1s)
   --client-retry-max value          Max number of retries for IO read errors (default: 10)
   --client-skip-inaccessible        Skip inaccessible files when opening (default: false)

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