
   singularity storage update ftp - FTP

   singularity storage update ftp [command options]<name|id>

      FTP host to connect to.
      E.g. "ftp.example.com".

      FTP username.

      FTP port number.

      FTP password.

      Use Implicit FTPS (FTP over TLS).
      When using implicit FTP over TLS the client connects using TLS
      right from the start which breaks compatibility with
      non-TLS-aware servers. This is usually served over port 990 rather
      than port 21. Cannot be used in combination with explicit FTPS.

      Use Explicit FTPS (FTP over TLS).
      When using explicit FTP over TLS the client explicitly requests
      security from the server in order to upgrade a plain text connection
      to an encrypted one. Cannot be used in combination with implicit FTPS.

      Maximum number of FTP simultaneous connections, 0 for unlimited.
      Note that setting this is very likely to cause deadlocks so it should
      be used with care.
      If you are doing a sync or copy then make sure concurrency is one more
      than the sum of `--transfers` and `--checkers`.
      If you use `--check-first` then it just needs to be one more than the
      maximum of `--checkers` and `--transfers`.
      So for `concurrency 3` you'd use `--checkers 2 --transfers 2
      --check-first` or `--checkers 1 --transfers 1`.

      Do not verify the TLS certificate of the server.

      Disable using EPSV even if server advertises support.

      Disable using MLSD even if server advertises support.

      Disable using UTF-8 even if server advertises support.

      Use MDTM to set modification time (VsFtpd quirk)

      Use LIST -a to force listing of hidden files and folders. This will disable the use of MLSD.

      Max time before closing idle connections.
      If no connections have been returned to the connection pool in the time
      given, rclone will empty the connection pool.
      Set to 0 to keep connections indefinitely.

      Maximum time to wait for a response to close.

      Size of TLS session cache for all control and data connections.
      TLS cache allows to resume TLS sessions and reuse PSK between connections.
      Increase if default size is not enough resulting in TLS resumption errors.
      Enabled by default. Use 0 to disable.

      Disable TLS 1.3 (workaround for FTP servers with buggy TLS)

      Maximum time to wait for data connection closing status.

      Allow asking for FTP password when needed.
      If this is set and no password is supplied then rclone will ask for a password

      The encoding for the backend.
      See the [encoding section in the overview](/overview/#encoding) for more info.

         | Asterisk,Ctl,Dot,Slash                               | ProFTPd can't handle '*' in file names
         | BackSlash,Ctl,Del,Dot,RightSpace,Slash,SquareBracket | PureFTPd can't handle '[]' or '*' in file names
         | Ctl,LeftPeriod,Slash                                 | VsFTPd can't handle file names starting with dot

   --explicit-tls  Use Explicit FTPS (FTP over TLS). (default: false) [$EXPLICIT_TLS]
   --help, -h      show help
   --host value    FTP host to connect to. [$HOST]
   --pass value    FTP password. [$PASS]
   --port value    FTP port number. (default: 21) [$PORT]
   --tls           Use Implicit FTPS (FTP over TLS). (default: false) [$TLS]
   --user value    FTP username. (default: "$USER") [$USER]


   --ask-password          Allow asking for FTP password when needed. (default: false) [$ASK_PASSWORD]
   --close-timeout value   Maximum time to wait for a response to close. (default: "1m0s") [$CLOSE_TIMEOUT]
   --concurrency value     Maximum number of FTP simultaneous connections, 0 for unlimited. (default: 0) [$CONCURRENCY]
   --disable-epsv          Disable using EPSV even if server advertises support. (default: false) [$DISABLE_EPSV]
   --disable-mlsd          Disable using MLSD even if server advertises support. (default: false) [$DISABLE_MLSD]
   --disable-tls13         Disable TLS 1.3 (workaround for FTP servers with buggy TLS) (default: false) [$DISABLE_TLS13]
   --disable-utf8          Disable using UTF-8 even if server advertises support. (default: false) [$DISABLE_UTF8]
   --encoding value        The encoding for the backend. (default: "Slash,Del,Ctl,RightSpace,Dot") [$ENCODING]
   --force-list-hidden     Use LIST -a to force listing of hidden files and folders. This will disable the use of MLSD. (default: false) [$FORCE_LIST_HIDDEN]
   --idle-timeout value    Max time before closing idle connections. (default: "1m0s") [$IDLE_TIMEOUT]
   --no-check-certificate  Do not verify the TLS certificate of the server. (default: false) [$NO_CHECK_CERTIFICATE]
   --shut-timeout value    Maximum time to wait for data connection closing status. (default: "1m0s") [$SHUT_TIMEOUT]
   --tls-cache-size value  Size of TLS session cache for all control and data connections. (default: 32) [$TLS_CACHE_SIZE]
   --writing-mdtm          Use MDTM to set modification time (VsFtpd quirk) (default: false) [$WRITING_MDTM]

   Client Config

   --client-ca-cert value                           Path to CA certificate used to verify servers. To remove, use empty string.
   --client-cert value                              Path to Client SSL certificate (PEM) for mutual TLS auth. To remove, use empty string.
   --client-connect-timeout value                   HTTP Client Connect timeout (default: 1m0s)
   --client-expect-continue-timeout value           Timeout when using expect / 100-continue in HTTP (default: 1s)
   --client-header value [ --client-header value ]  Set HTTP header for all transactions (i.e. key=value). This will replace the existing header values. To remove a header, use --http-header "key="". To remove all headers, use --http-header ""
   --client-insecure-skip-verify                    Do not verify the server SSL certificate (insecure) (default: false)
   --client-key value                               Path to Client SSL private key (PEM) for mutual TLS auth. To remove, use empty string.
   --client-no-gzip                                 Don't set Accept-Encoding: gzip (default: false)
   --client-scan-concurrency value                  Max number of concurrent listing requests when scanning data source (default: 1)
   --client-timeout value                           IO idle timeout (default: 5m0s)
   --client-use-server-mod-time                     Use server modified time if possible (default: false)
   --client-user-agent value                        Set the user-agent to a specified string. To remove, use empty string. (default: rclone/v1.62.2-DEV)

   Retry Strategy

   --client-low-level-retries value  Maximum number of retries for low-level client errors (default: 10)
   --client-retry-backoff value      The constant delay backoff for retrying IO read errors (default: 1s)
   --client-retry-backoff-exp value  The exponential delay backoff for retrying IO read errors (default: 1.0)
   --client-retry-delay value        The initial delay before retrying IO read errors (default: 1s)
   --client-retry-max value          Max number of retries for IO read errors (default: 10)
   --client-skip-inaccessible        Skip inaccessible files when opening (default: false)

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