DB Schema
This is the latest schema of the database at the time of writing this doc. The latest schema of the database can be explored by looking at a specific payload from a specific Collection using the code snippet at the end of this page.
// All retrieval bots share the same schema
interface {filecoin_foundation|triton_retrieval|gravity_assist|
slingshot_retrieval|new_web_group|protocol_labs}_retrieval_bot {
id: string;
avg_speed_bps: number;
avg_ttfb_ms: number;
bitswap_retrieval_success: number;
bitswap_retrievals: number;
date_stamp: string;
graphsync_retrieval_success: number;
graphsync_retrievals: number;
http_retrieval_success: number;
http_retrievals: number;
provider: string;
interface filfox {
id: string;
blocksMined: number;
date_stamp: string;
epoch: number;
provider: string;
qualityAdjPower: string;
rawBytePower: string;
totalRewards: string;
weightedBlocksMined: number;
interface filrep {
id: string;
__v: number;
date_stamp: string;
price: string;
provider: string;
rank: number;
reachability: string;
recentDeals: number;
verifiedPrice: string;
interface filscan {
id: string;
active_sector_count: number;
balance: string;
date_stamp: string;
epoch: number;
fault_sector_count: number;
live_sector_count: number;
multi_address: string;
provider: string;
recover_sector_count: number;
terminated_sector_count: number;
interface ground_control_sp_location {
id: string;
__v: number;
agentCity: string;
agentCountry: string;
agentLatitude: number;
agentLongitude: number;
agentRegion: string;
date_stamp: string;
latencyMs: number;
multiaddr: string;
provider: string;
testId: string;
interface lassie_bedrock {
id: string;
bandwidth_bytes_sec: number;
date_stamp: string;
end_time: string;
instance_id: string;
provider: string;
retrieval_id: string;
start_time: string;
storage_provider_id: string;
success: boolean;
time_to_first_byte_ms: number;
interface starboard {
id: string;
balance: number;
base_tx_fee: string;
batch_fee: string;
blocks_mined: number;
date_stamp: string;
fee_debt: number;
initial_pledge: number;
locked_funds: number;
miner_tip: string;
onboarding_at: string;
over_estimation_burn: string;
pre_commit_deposits: number;
provider: string;
provider_collateral: number;
rewards: number;
sector_size: number;
stat_date: string;
win_count: number;
windowpost_gas_fee: string;
export interface stfil {
id: string;
date_stamp: string;
debt: string;
debt_ratio: string;
delegated_role: string;
equity: string;
liquidation_threshold: number;
max_leverage: number;
position: string;
provider: string;
stable_debt: string;
variable_debt: string;
You can run the following query to see the latest schema of a Collection:
import {CollectionNames} from "@dataprograms/repdao-polybase";
for (const collectionName of CollectionNames) {
let response
try {
response = await DB.collection(collectionName).where('provider', '==', provider).limit(1).get()
} catch (e: any) {
if (e instanceof PolybaseError) {
console.error(`Polybase error: ${e.code} ${e.message} when retrieving ${collectionName} record for ${provider}`)
throw e
if (response.data.length === 0) {
console.log(`No ${collectionName} record for ${provider}`)
const doc = response.data[0].data
console.log(`${collectionName} record for ${provider}:`)
Last updated